Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Most people aren't fans of change. For the most part, I would put myself in the category. I am very much a planner and planning relies a lot on stability.

Needless to say when Jon proposed we take him off my company's insurance and start putting money into an HSA, I was hesitant. I had become very comfortable paying about $400 a month for him to be on insurance knowing what kind of coverage he has. However, the math for an HSA was very convincing. Rather than pay $400 a month into insurance we would pay about $115 for a high-deductible plan and $250 into the HSA, a total of about $365 -- saving about $35. In addition, his company will match up to $250 a month or $3,000 a year. In addition, paying into an HSA allows us to control the money, and it is entitled to us regardless of whether we use it or not, unlike the money paid to an insurance company. Plus, the money rolls over from year to year so we don't lose it.

We've decided that once Jon goes to one final doctor's appointment and gets his inhalers we will take him off my insurance and start the HSA. It seems to make sense to have Jon on it since he doesn't require many doctor appointments or medications. I go monthly to get medication, plus my employer pays most of my insurance premiums. My only concern is if Jon suddenly gets hurt or sick and we don't have enough in HSA to pay for it. Hopefully we don't come to that point. I'm a little nervous about the decision, but I'm trusting God to provide our needs.