Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Surprise Check

The last time I wrote I was freaking out about money (which seems to be a regular occurrence). Life has settled down in that regards. God definitely came through for me. Just when our checkbook reached about $30 and our savings $50, we received a sudden influx of cash. I received a bonus check at my work and Jon also received one!

The day I got my bonus check was the day payroll found out we would be getting one. My boss had to move money around in order to make that happen. In addition, Jon got a check we weren't expecting. He had already received a bonus check in September for an end of the season check, so I wasn't expecting a Christmas bonus too! It was definitely a God-thing.

Once the checks arrived we immediately began discussing the best way to use them. We used about half of mine to put towards our dental bills and we're planning on using most, if not all, of Jon's check to pay down a credit card. Right now I'm holding off on paying it because we are going to visit Jon's parents for Christmas and I want to make sure our expenses hold up. It's exciting to see our debt shrink. I'm looking forward to seeing one of our credit cards almost paid off. Once that's paid off we only have one left to pay off! I'm excited to see how God is working and helping us out.

Now I just need to remember to keep praying about our finances and God's continued provision. When people are doing ok, they tend to rely on themselves more and on God less; I need to avoid that because I know in an instant it could all be gone.

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