Monday, September 28, 2009


Jon came home yesterday from a backpacking trip in Idaho. I was so excited he was home, but he had caught my cold, so he wasn't his usual self. However, I waited on him hand and foot making sure he had everything he needed. Later that evening I told him I want a baby.

We started discussing it seriously. I told him of my concerns about our debt and savings. I also told him that it would be best to have the baby born in September because then he will be home for the season during the baby's first couple months. He liked that idea, which means we need to try an conceive in December or January to have a fall baby. I'm really excited about that prospect.

I've been thinking about when would be the best time to conceive so we can announce it to everyone. I was hoping to know before the family Christmas gathering, but then we run the risk of having an August baby, which conflicts with Jon's backpacking season. I think the best time to do it would be to announce it at my birthday in January. That way I can choose who to invite to the party and announce it to my family and close friends. I'm already thinking about who will be at the party.

I know it's only 3 months away until we start trying for a baby, but I'm really excited (and a little nervous). I'm just hoping the money situation works out.

I'm trying to think about when would be the best amount of maternity leave for me. Personally I would love to take the 3 months allowed by the law, but I don't think I could do that if it wasn't paid. We're planning on having about $6,500 set aside in savings to cover a little more than 3 months worth of expenses, in case I don't get any paid leave. I doubt my boss is going to give me paid maternity leave, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I will have a week of paid vacation I can use if there isn't any. (Please pray that I get at least 1 month paid leave!)

I've been considering how to keep up with my workload during those 3 months. Maybe what I can do is arrange with Jon to take one day off during the week to stay at home with the baby, so I can go to work for a day to get some stuff done. Also, maybe I can arrange to do some work at home, such as the financials. All I would have to do is get Internet at home and get access to Yardi (which is Internet based) and my email. The email isn't as important either, just Yardi. I would just come in once a week and grab a few of the binders to take home with me. Most likely they won't let me do that option, but I can always ask. I really think the one day a week idea will work. If I need to come in more, I could just bring the baby in with me on a Saturday and work. That way there are less people in the office (if any), and I can be here to get some work done.

The next thing to consider is day care. Unfortunately, Jon doesn't make enough for me to be a stay-at-home mom, so I'm going to have to work at least part time to help supplement our income. Fortunately, my supervisor already told me she would be willing to let me work part time (she doesn't want to lose me). But then I have to consider where to take my baby for day care. I need something affordable but good. I've considered those KinderCare Learning Center, mostly because there is one on my way to work and they tend to be more educationally driven, which is something I like. But I guess I will do more research later.

I'm so excited! Can't you tell?!

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