Monday, October 19, 2009

Breadwinners and Christmas

There's been a lot of coverage on TV regarding the change of the role of women. Women are more and more becoming the breadwinners of the family. My family is no exception. While Jon makes about $18,000 a year, I make double the amount at $36,000. In addition, insurance is run through my company.

Jon and I have discussed our salaries extensively. He doesn't have a problem making less money than me, and I would rather he have a job he loves that makes less than a job he hates that makes more. However, I definitely feel the pressure of having to work.

My current job is definitely not my dream job, but it's a job that pays well and is pretty easy to do. However, there are days when I wish I didn't have to work. I would rather be a stay-at-home mom. Financially, however, that isn't possible.

Today I've been thinking of how to handle our finances. Right now I'm thinking it would be good to get our savings built up. We should have been able to pay for Jon's dental bills with one payment if our savings is what it should be, but instead we will go on a payment plan for that. My biggest conundrum is whether to continue to pay off our Citi credit card or ramp up savings. My goal after the Citi card was paid off is to build up savings, mostly to prepare for maternity leave, but right now I'm really wanting to put some more in savings. I know the benefits of paying off the Citi card include an increased credit score and less interest/fees we will be paying. At the same time, I'm worried about not having enough in savings to cover expenses. But the more I think about it, the better it would be to pay off the Citi card. If we stick to our payment plan we have set up, it will be paid off in 2 months. I guess I just needed to type it to think through it. Just pray nothing happens to us that will affect us financially.

My next concern is Christmas. We have about half of our nieces and nephews shopped for. We spend only about $10 a piece since we have 11 to shop for along with our parents and each other. I really want to get some nice things for Jon, but I worry about money. I can't think of anything I really need for Christmas. I would rather not have a lot of money spent on me. I would like a couple books and an Eiffel Tower lamp and some Eiffel Tower decorations, but that's about it. But it's not the gifts that have me too concerned; it's the decorations.

Jon and I haven't really had a Christmas together. We moved last year over Christmas. We packed everything up on Dec. 23 and drove over the pass to my parents' house where we spent Christmas. We then moved into our apartment the Saturday after Christmas. So last year we didn't really have a need to have decorations, but this year I would like some. I'm not going to buy a lot, just a few. I can slowly add stuff to my collection as the years go by. But the thing I want the most is a fake Christmas tree. (Real trees affect Jon's asthma.) However, those trees can be pricey. Maybe this year we will forgo a tree. Besides, it's not the decorations that make Christmas, it's the birth of Jesus Christ.

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