Monday, October 5, 2009

Away for the Weekend

Waking up on Friday I knew Jon would be leaving that morning for western Washington. He won't return until Tuesday. At first I was looking forward to having time to myself. Time to sleep in without being interrupted. Time to watch whatever I wanted on TV. Time for me.

It sounded so wonderful until I got home on Friday and started really missing him. It's funny, you know. When he's constantly around I look forward to moments when I can get my alone time, but when he's gone, I wish he were home. It's not so much as wanting to spend every second with him as it is having him nearby. I am comforted when he is at home. I feel safe.

Saturday I was busy for the most part, but once my shopping was done and I had exercised, I started missing him again. I cried and prayed in bed that night. My biggest worry when he leaves is that he won't come home again. I know I shouldn't borrow trouble, but it's one of my thoughts.

Sunday was probably the hardest day for me. I got ready for church and left. I arrived at church and sat in my usual row. It was the second week in a row that Jon hasn't been there with me. I tried being joyful while I sang, but I wasn't. I was missing Jon too much. I was sad. We had a missionary at church and it ended early. Rather than stay for the lunch I went home. After lunch and relaxing for an hour or so, I drove to my parents' house, which was a nice distraction. However, when I got home I just felt so empty. I wanted Jon to be there and he wasn't. He won't be home until tomorrow. Once the show ended I went to bed feeling sad and alone.

I'm hoping today goes by quickly so I can go home, read my Bible, exercise, watch some TV, and go to bed knowing that Jon comes back tomorrow. I miss him and I want him home. It's just not the same if he's not around.

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