Thursday, October 29, 2009

Appointments & Money

I made an appointment the other day to see my nurse practitioner regarding what I need to do to prepare for getting pregnant. I'm a little nervous, but it's a good thing for me to do. After all, she did tell me to come see her around that time to discuss starting prenatal vitamins before I'm pregnant.

It's so amazing how fast time is going! Already October is almost over. This month has been an expensive month for us. We had the shock of finding out how much our dental bills were going to be and we had spent more on dining out than we anticipated. This next month after all our regular bills are paid we're going to sit down and go over our expenses and see how to best handle our money for the month. It's nice to be able to do that and I was happy that it was Jon that suggested doing that. It's nice to have him on the same page. Now it's just a matter of us cracking down and not spending money we shouldn't be spending, particularly when it comes to dining out.

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